Tuesday, April 3, 2012

10 Pins Tuesday

Good Morning!

I'm gonna try something new. I'm part of the masses that are addicted to Pinterest, and I wanted to show you what I've been pinning lately. So without further ado, here's the first addition of 10 Pins Tuesday.

1. The Avett Brothers, just play it while you check out the rest :)

2.  Giant cross-stitch art!

3. This crochet and drift wood piece is awesome! I kinda want to make it for my classroom.

4. Speaking of things to make for my class... this is awesome!

5. I want to make this for my niece :)

6. I want to make this for me :)

7. And this!

8. And these! Blend the following: 1 can pineapple w/ juice, 1 banana, 1 can coconut milk, 1/2 tsp vanilla. Freeze in pops 117 calories per pop.

9. These are magical.

10. Good-bye... from the cutest little ami ever!

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